
04 January 2009

Sunday night update

Well I did most of the detailing this weekend and gave it a grey base coat. After a while I get lost in the sea of colors provided by all the different color cardboard, so I typically base it grey every now and then. All in all there's over 100 rivets on here, and let me tell ya that was was boring. As you can see most of the details come from GW bits, which you can get off the Tank acessory Sprue, or they are left overs from the bits box. What I couldn't find pre-made, I had to resort to paper to create.

The more that I stare at this thing the more I agree with others who have stated that the cannon is to small. Although I hate to tear it apart to fix/increase it's size the thought has been running through my mind as of late, we'll see how I feel tomorrow after sleeping on it for a night. Hope you all enjoyed the pics.


  1. I don't think that's it. I think it needs some kind of cool vents or something like that on the muzzle... it's just a touch too plain for me.

    The size is good though I think.

  2. Swift work there, matey! And I'm inclined to agree with Ron here, too.

    - Drax

  3. Wow, this is a very inspiring project! When you first started it, I thought, "Paper? This may not end so well..." but you have certainly proved me wrong!!

  4. Thanks for the comments guys. After thinking about the barrel a while I've decided to leave it as is. It's not perfect but it'll do. Maybe as some point in the future I'll revisit it and fix'er up a little, mal sehen.

    -Marshal Argos
